Best domain prices and very low hosting cost Speed is great with very less price. Server uptime is maximum and respond quick Support staff are very nice. I also got free domain with shared hosting plan.
I was using other web host, but i was not satisfied by their services, then i found about 7hosty from a friend , i purchased the premium plan 2 month back , till now server performance is good and service is also good
I was using another hosting but was not satisfied with their price and services then i got to know about 7Hosty and i checked out their plans and services and i liked it and tried it and believe me if you're reading this, this is the company you want to have for your hosting.
I had to move from my previous provider as I was getting nowhere fast with my business. I was DELIGHTED when I started working with 7Hosty. The product is user friendly and easy for me to teach myself everything I needed to know to manage things myself and feel in control. If there was any moment when I needed a little support along the way, the support provided was exemplary. I was not at a loss for options of where to get support, exactly which support i needed, and it was provided effectively and efficiently with and extremely pleasant attitude that they could not help enough. Honestly - why would you take your business anywhere else? This company have genuinely thought through what a business needs and have worked hard to provide it with style, efficiency, high values and grace. I am well impressed so far! Keep up the good work 7Hosty - I am a huge fan.
I cannot find better web host. I must say the effort that has been put in making this server is just amazing ! Flawless and the most reliable host I can find till date ! Kudos ... Keep up with the good work!! tuottaa ammattimaiset web hosting -arvostelut muista tahoista riippumattomana palveluna. Arvostelumme ovat puolueettomia, rehellisiä ja niissä kaikissa sovelletaan samoja arviointiperusteita.
Arvostelemamme yritykset maksavat rahallista korvausta. Palveluista ja tuotteista saatavat korvaukset eivät vaikuta arvostelujemme tekemiseen tai niiden lopputulokseen. Korvauksella ei myöskään ole vaikutusta hosting-yritysten sijoitukseen. Korvaus kattaa arvostelijoiden rojaltit, tilien hankkimiskulut sekä testaamisen.