Asiantuntija- ja käyttäjäarviot All Server Solution-asiakkailta:
All Server Solution strongly agrees with this stupendous quote by Sir Winston Churchill and started its journey as the prominent leader in the field of web hosting services to emerge as the most competent player in the global market. We believe that the formula for success in business is derived from the failures only.Learn from your downfall and you will be the master of every...
I have always found EVERYONE from billing to technical support to be fantastic. Caring, attentive, patient and dogmatic about helping find solutions to problems.Terrific company.
Allserversolution's support was near perfect, and they even explained why and how to remedy issues. All I can say, is Allserversolution has been the most dependable, best priced and attentive hosting company we've worked with. I know this sounds like an ad, but it's not.
Use the allserversolution since October 2017. Very happy with service and support, Uptime & Network has been nothing but the best! I would highly recommend
After an exhaustive research and speaking with a existing client, we selected Allserversolution for our ofsstite serversfor their excellent customer service, brilliant technical support and reliable service.
Hosting multiple dedicated servers and VPS accounts with allserversolution, overall performance is great with high speed network switches. No downtime recorded since November 2018.
After moving from my old host of many years due to bad speeds and a hefty price hike, Whitelabel has been a breath of fresh air. My site's were moved without any problems whatsover and the improved speed has been most welcome. Hope they can keep it up :)
Laadukas käyttökokemus, 60 päivän rahat takaisin -takuu
Korkea suorituskyky, tuki yli 60 000 kävijälle kuukaudessa, päivittäiset varmuuskopiot yli 20 päivän ajan, verkkotunnus, välimuistitallennus ja SSL sisältyvät hintaan.
Ilmainen migraatio, tuki saatavilla 24/7/365 puhelimitse, chatissa, tiketeillä, tietopankissa ja foorumeilla. tuottaa ammattimaiset web hosting -arvostelut muista tahoista riippumattomana palveluna. Arvostelumme ovat puolueettomia, rehellisiä ja niissä kaikissa sovelletaan samoja arviointiperusteita.
Arvostelemamme yritykset maksavat rahallista korvausta. Palveluista ja tuotteista saatavat korvaukset eivät vaikuta arvostelujemme tekemiseen tai niiden lopputulokseen. Korvauksella ei myöskään ole vaikutusta hosting-yritysten sijoitukseen. Korvaus kattaa arvostelijoiden rojaltit, tilien hankkimiskulut sekä testaamisen.