Asiantuntija- ja käyttäjäarviot PeoplesHost-asiakkailta:
PeoplesHost was started by seasoned veterans of the hosting industry and is dedicated to providing top-notch and reliable support to our customers. PeoplesHost owns the hardware allowing for much more flexibility to cater to the needs and wants of our customers as well as the continuous evolving hosting landscape. We offer a free domain name for all new customers, very competit...
A friend recommended me PeoplesHost, and I now know why they love it. Support is very responsive on chat, and they have quickly resolved any issues I've had getting my website set up on their service. They have even resolved issues that probably were not their issues—looking forward to a long relationship with this company. Highly recommend!! tuottaa ammattimaiset web hosting -arvostelut muista tahoista riippumattomana palveluna. Arvostelumme ovat puolueettomia, rehellisiä ja niissä kaikissa sovelletaan samoja arviointiperusteita.
Arvostelemamme yritykset maksavat rahallista korvausta. Palveluista ja tuotteista saatavat korvaukset eivät vaikuta arvostelujemme tekemiseen tai niiden lopputulokseen. Korvauksella ei myöskään ole vaikutusta hosting-yritysten sijoitukseen. Korvaus kattaa arvostelijoiden rojaltit, tilien hankkimiskulut sekä testaamisen.