ResellerClub is one of the most easy-to-use platforms as it comes with a cPanel, which is straightforward and offers simple and quick steps, such as one-click installations.
Yes, ResellerClub guaranteed uptime of 99.9%, but from what you can read online, it looks like that’s not true. The customers of this provider face a lot of downtimes, so personally, I wouldn’t rely on this web host.
This is one of the best ResellerClub features, as the provider comes with a personal website builder and the well-known Weebly. You won’t make a mistake with whatever builder you choose.
ResellerClub was founded in 1998, and nowadays, it supports more than 200,000 customers in more than 150 countries worldwide.
ResellerClub comes with a great range of hosting plans. The customers can choose from WordPress Hosting, VPS Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Reseller Hosting, and Shared Hosting plan. However, some of them can be pretty expensive.
Yes, anyone can cancel their ResellerClub account. You just need to select the plan you want to cancel from the dropdown menu, and that’s it.
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Aloita tuottaa ammattimaiset web hosting -arvostelut muista tahoista riippumattomana palveluna. Arvostelumme ovat puolueettomia, rehellisiä ja niissä kaikissa sovelletaan samoja arviointiperusteita.
Arvostelemamme yritykset maksavat rahallista korvausta. Palveluista ja tuotteista saatavat korvaukset eivät vaikuta arvostelujemme tekemiseen tai niiden lopputulokseen. Korvauksella ei myöskään ole vaikutusta hosting-yritysten sijoitukseen.
Korvaus kattaa arvostelijoiden rojaltit, tilien hankkimiskulut sekä testaamisen.