I was a little thrown off by the reviews before buying from these guys, but I've been with them for 9 months now, with very little problems. There has only been downtime once with a power outage that affected the entire city (out of their control), and once where my port speed seemed to stick at 100mbps, but I opened a ticket and they fixed that. They have a great network blend and I haven't had any complaints about that. When they say unmetered, I really put that to the test and haven't had any issues. You cant find a dedicated server for this price anywhere else on the internet.
final note: anyone who claims their support is unhelpful, its unmanaged, meaning they aren't in charge of managing your programs or such. They are great to fix network or hardware problems, or reinstall your OS.
Laadukas käyttökokemus, 60 päivän rahat takaisin -takuu
Korkea suorituskyky, tuki yli 60 000 kävijälle kuukaudessa, päivittäiset varmuuskopiot yli 20 päivän ajan, verkkotunnus, välimuistitallennus ja SSL sisältyvät hintaan.
Ilmainen migraatio, tuki saatavilla 24/7/365 puhelimitse, chatissa, tiketeillä, tietopankissa ja foorumeilla.
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